🕵️‍♀️🔍 Today’s Investigation: The Layer 1 Puzzle of RYO 🏗️🏠

Greetings, curious minds! Detective RYOKO here. Today, we’re exploring the mystery of RYO’s Layer 1, based on clues from the RYO Vision Paper. Let’s unravel this together!

🔎 The Facts: RYOcoin is currently issued using Ethereum’s ERC-20 standard. This can be considered a “preparation phase” until RYO’s own Layer 1 blockchain (RYO Core Blockchain) is completed.

🏠 The Housing Analogy: Imagine RYO is temporarily living in a rented apartment (Ethereum’s ERC-20) while building its own house (Layer 1). This rented life is a preparation period for future life in its own home.

🔑 Key Purposes of the Current ERC-20 Token:

  1. Community Building: Attracting people who resonate with RYO’s philosophy and potential.
  2. Ecosystem Development: Preparing infrastructure like exchanges and wallets for the future Layer 1 transition.
  3. Funding: Securing necessary funds for Layer 1 development.
  4. Brand Awareness: Increasing RYO’s presence in the cryptocurrency market.

🚚 The Future Move:

It’s important to note that the current ERC-20 token is planned to transition to a new native coin when the RYO Core Blockchain is completed. It’s like moving from a rented apartment to your own new home.

💡 Benefits of the Transition: This move will allow RYO to fully implement its innovative features (fast transactions, low fees, high security, etc.). It will also resolve the issue of Ethereum gas fees.

🌉 A Bridge to the Future:

The current RYOcoin serves as a “bridge” to RYO’s big leap forward. For those who believe in RYO’s vision and potential, participating from this preparatory stage offers an opportunity to grow alongside RYO.

🔍 Detective RYOKO’s Conclusion:

This approach allows RYO to steadily progress with development while nurturing its community and laying the foundation for future success. It’s a thoughtful strategy that balances current functionality with future potential.

Remember, this analysis is based on the Vision Paper. The crypto world is ever-evolving, so stay curious and keep investigating!

🕵️‍♀️ This is Detective RYOKO, always seeking the truth! 🔍


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